faithful readers it has been a very busy week here at KAM and we would like to
tell everyone about the successful Canaan Trust Sleep Out that took place on 19
th April 2013.
you may know we are long time sponsors of the Canaan Trust and are always
looking to help the people within our community.
was a great night and all the KAM boys and girls came out to support our very
own Amazing Antony and Super Sara. They pitched up their tent alongside all the
other sleepers and braved the cold to sleep rough all night. Decked out in
their KAM Servicing onesies our team did us proud and helped to raise a lot of
Jennifer Culls and MP Jessica Lee also took part in the event held on Market
Place, Long Eaton and gave great speeches to keep everyone’s spirits high.
KAM team were very happy to be a part of the event and our very own Senator
Shaun presented Canaan Trust manager Kevin Curtis with the grand total raised by
KAM- £500. Thanks to all those who so
kindly donated to this great cause. All the KAM boys, girls, families, friends
and customers gave very generously and now we can help the local homeless to
rebuild their lives.
of you may not be aware of the growing problem of homelessness but it exists
and is increasing. More and more people are finding themselves the victims of
circumstance and the Canaan Trust is there to help.
decided to back this great cause because we think we should help the people of
our community who are in desperate need of our help. It is always rewarding to
give back and we feel privileged to be part of this great cause.
The Canaan Trust needs £125,000 to run each
year and we want people to donate as much as they can so that we can help put
the problem of homelessness to bed.
The KAM team’s Rickee ‘the rockstar’ paid a
visit to the Canaan Trust headquarters in Long Eaton and we can tell you the
money is going to a great cause.
said: “After going to the Canaan Trust and spending some time with Kevin I saw
just how great the work the Canaan Trust do is. There definitely is a stigma
attached to homelessness especially males and we just want people to see that
these people need our help not our scorn.”
Trust manager Kev Curtis also explained why homeless men in particular were not
seen as a priority. He said: “Men are not given the same access to council
housing and so they end up on the street. Sleeping in tents and often gets
abused by members of the public. We want to help these men rebuild their lives
and we give them the skills to make a better life for themselves.”
to the KAM team for their continued support- they have been very generous by
providing vans and banners and generally seeing that the Sleep Out was a
success. The £500 that was donated will go a long way towards helping those in
need. Hopefully people will follow KAM’s lead and help us out.”
donate go to your local KAM depot where we have donation buckets at the ready
(they are getting heavy too) or go online and donate at www.justgiving.com/kamservicing
and you can pay with credit/debit car or via PayPal.
to all those who have donated- we really appreciate it.
faithful reader, our team of dedicated and hardworking staff at the branches in
Sutton, Long Eaton, Bulwell, Stapleford, Beeston and Belper along with our
bodywork shop are open every day of the week, EXCLUDING Sunday’s, while the
lads at our Sawley and Heanor workshops are at your service seven days a week,
keeping your car where it belongs. ON THE ROAD.
until next week faithful reader, drive safely and keep it shiny side up.